Place: NYC Subway System

The NYC subway system is awesome. It goes all over, there’s no need to look for parking when you get to your desired location, and you can read as you go. Best of all, however, are the people. It may be the best show in the city. It is certainly the cheapest.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"We've Got Medicaid!"

I was minding my own business, reading my book on the A-train last evening. At 34th St, two teenage boys got on, and started shouting, "What time is it? It's show time! What TIME is it? It's SHOW time!!" Wearily, a few people looked up, but most continued to ignore them. The boys hit play on their boom box, and started blasting Kool and the Gang. (How old school!) One kept telling us that there would be flipping and stripping, the latter of which had me a little worried, while the other started stretching. Suddenly, they both went into some slightly odd but completely synchronized dance moves, hitting all kinds of things in the music. Then one started doing back flips on the moving train. When he was finished, the other one took a running leap at one of the poles in the center of the aisle, grabbing it upside down in midair, and spinning his way artfully to the bottom. Finally, one of them backed up to one end of the car and started running down the train, switching to flips partway through. He ended with a full layout, but misjudged the height of the car, CRACKING his head against the ceiling. Everyone jumped at the noise, but the other boy immediately said, "Don't worry--we've got Medicaid!"
They did, however, get out at the next stop without waiting to collect tips...

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