Place: NYC Subway System

The NYC subway system is awesome. It goes all over, there’s no need to look for parking when you get to your desired location, and you can read as you go. Best of all, however, are the people. It may be the best show in the city. It is certainly the cheapest.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

It's The End Of The World As We Know It... And I Feel Fine

Sunday afternoon. I was transferring between the A and the N at Times Square, which involved a looooong underground walk between 7th and 8th Avenues. Every time I go through that tunnel, there are people handing out fliers about the end of the world. According to them, it's supposed to be ending on May 18, 2011. Perhaps I should start working on my bucket list? Anyhow, today, for the second time, I witnessed one of the end-of-worlders go up to someone in order to pass out a pamphlet, only to be rebuffed with the words, "I'm sorry, the world is actually going to end in June." (Actually, the first time this happened, it may have been a different date, but the gist is the same.) The two got into a very polite but highly convicted argument about the actual expiration date for our planet. (Or is it the universe? I'm never sure what they really mean by "the world". Somehow the science of it seems to be... lacking.) I continued walking, but turned around before taking the at the end of the corridor, and they were still deep in discussion. I think that they should both start handing out pamphlets, and hire a bookie to take bets on who's right. I guess it might be hard to collect one's winnings, though...


  1. Made me laugh ;) Perhaps the world *will* end in June! It'd save me from taking the New York bar exam.

  2. A friend got one of those today too, but it was at the Grand Central subway shuttle stop.
