Place: NYC Subway System

The NYC subway system is awesome. It goes all over, there’s no need to look for parking when you get to your desired location, and you can read as you go. Best of all, however, are the people. It may be the best show in the city. It is certainly the cheapest.

Monday, October 11, 2010

"Now Repeat That Back..."

This happened a few weeks ago, but I'm posting now in the spirit of "better late than never". Weekend afternoon, heading uptown on the A-train. A teenage couple was fighting very melodramatically. Suffice it to say that "oh no you dih-un't" was uttered more than once. While this was going on, a fifty-ish Australian man was trying to figure out his route into Queens, but was clearly puzzled by his subway map. A young woman tried to help him, but she didn't seem to be much more familiar with the subway system than he was. They were standing right in front of the quarreling teenagers, looking alternately at handheld maps and the one on the train itself. Suddenly, the teenage boy said, "Hold on," to his girlfriend and then addressed the Australian man. "Here's what you want to do," he said. He then proceeded to very clearly lay out a detailed set of directions for the tourist, involving about three different trains. Once he was done, he told the tourist (who was at least thirty years his senior), "Okay, now repeat that back to me." The Aussie tried to do so, but got mixed up. The teenager patiently reiterated his directions, and then once again had the older man repeat the instructions. This went on until the tourist got the instructions right. The teenager then turned back to his girlfriend and resumed the fight. Once we got to the Aussie's stop, the teenager held his hand up to the girlfriend, who was mid-tirade at this point, and turned to the man. "Get off here, and you know what to do. Just go up those stairs over there. Have a nice day!" The man smiled and got off the train. The doors closed behind him, and the teenagers resumed their fight.


  1. This is contrary to the stereotype that people in New York are mean. I am of the belief people are nice wherever you go.


  2. New Yorkers are actually super helpful. Brusque, maybe, and not always superficially polite, but very genuinely helpful.
